Play ball That\'s what the sixth-grade Buckman Badgers baseball team plans on doing.
Leave it to Wally\'s secret plan to turn the tables on the girls\' scheme and prove who\'s really in Control Boys rule About the Author: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor has written over 100 books, many of which take place in West Virginia..
It looks like the Hatfords could be totally humiliated after the girls stumble upon an embarrassing item from the boys\' past.
Wally has his own reason for being in the play.
Let Caroline think she\'s so smart.
On top of that, Caroline Malloy has written and will perform a play for a school project and has roped Wally into costarring with her.
Wally\'s ticked off.
Hatford has to run a yard sale for the Women\'s Auxiliary of the Buckman Fire Department the very same day in their very own yard Not wanting to miss out on the game, the family elects the only nonbaseball fan in the family, Wally, to stay home and help watch over the sale tables until they return.
But due to a mix-up, Mrs.
Eddie Malloy and Jake Hatford hope to lead their team to the championship game the last Saturday in May.
Play ball That\'s what the sixth-grade Buckman Badgers baseball team plans on doing