Von Hildebrand: - Alice von Hildebrand was born in 1923 in Belgium and came to America in 1940.
Lewis, Kierkegaard, and Plato..
Alice von Hildebrand currently has in preparation numerous other works, including books on wisdom, widowhood, feminism, C.
With Dietrich von Hildebrand, she collaborated on a number of major works, including The Art of Living.
She has given hundreds of lectures throughout the United States, South America, and Europe.
In 1947, Alice was hired as the first woman to teach philosophy at Hunter College (CUNY) in New York City.
Dietrich von Hildebrand, whom she married.
There she met and studied under philosopher and anti-Nazi exile Dr. in philosophy from Fordham University.
In 1949 she earned her Ph.
Von Hildebrand: - Alice von Hildebrand was born in 1923 in Belgium and came to America in 1940