For generations now, it has been possible to separate cigar-lovers into two major categories: those who prefer Havanas, and those who don\'t.
You might well say that this is a book seeking to find the path to those forms of Paradise that last no longer than an excellent cigar..
Plentiful illustrations include old and rare scenic cigar-bands, some with images of the island of Cuba.
It is a difference that can be as crucial to those involved as, say, the difference between a full-bodied red wine and a sweet white.
Certainly, to anyone who enjoys proper tobacco, lighting up a Havana cigar is the first step towards utter hedonism.
With wit and skill, Philippe Mesmer makes a forthrightly chauvinistic comparison between the attractions of women, of spiritous liquors and of the Havana cigar.
For generations now, it has been possible to separate cigar-lovers into two major categories: those who prefer Havanas, and those who don\'t