With the luminous insight that we have come to expect from his writings, Robert Cardinal Sarah helps spouses rediscover the deep source of their love--God Himself--and the means for letting Love between them grow.
He works through his Church, through the sacraments, and through his saints--especially Mary, the Mother of God, who heals couples..
We are all, without exception, called to joy, and Christ alone can give it to us.
There is a path to renewal for everyone, and Couples in every situation can find again the preciousness of the Love that binds them, no matter how hidden it may be.
It is meant for all couples, including those who are struggling.
This book presents the essentials of a retreat that the cardinal preached to married Couples in Lourdes, France.
With the luminous insight that we have come to expect from his writings, Robert Cardinal Sarah helps spouses rediscover the deep source of their love--God Himself--and the means for letting Love between them grow