Now in a new edition, this thought-provoking book by popular author Richard Rohr offers a critique of religion as a system that often creates an alternative, pious World without really challenging oppression, materialism, and sectarianism in our modern world.
In fact, the accessibility of the contemplative awareness to all is, Rohr believes, the key to the Gospel message: The kingdom of heaven is hidden in plain sight..
It is not a worthiness competition.
A true contemplative stance crosses boundaries, is not concerned with who\'s in and who\'s out.
Drawing from Jesus\' parable of the rich man, Rohr believes that religion can only rediscover itself as a transformational system if it passes through the eye of a needle, if it overcomes its own temptation to power, wealth, and fundamentalism.
Religion, he says, without this contemplative stance, is often part of the problem.
Now in a new edition, this thought-provoking book by popular author Richard Rohr offers a critique of religion as a system that often creates an alternative, pious World without really challenging oppression, materialism, and sectarianism in our modern world