As a youth who was once bullied and embattled with low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts, it is my hope that this work empowers and encourages young people who are experiencing the sadness, depression, and emotional turmoil that were once issues for me.
I encourage you to believe that too! -Alton Terrance Edmond, Esquire.
You can achieve any-thing you put your mind to.
I believe in you.
Today, I am an attorney, motivational speaker, real estate investor, community leader, coach, and philanthropist because I believed in myself.
I wrote this book to remind you, through my experiences, you can make it! Hold your head high.
I battled with sadness, and I am glad I was ready for change.
I also realized having the right people in your life helps change it for the better when you are ready for change.
I later realized, even the most difficult times in life do not last.
I looked around and thought everyone had it better than I did.
I began this journey sad and depressed because I did not like myself or my life.
Interesting because of the challenges I faced, and the friends I gained in the process.
This book is about a very interesting time in my life.
This book is for those who have been hurt and abused, even when they did nothing to deserve such treatment.
This book is for anyone who has ever disliked their life so much, it did not seem like there was much reason to continue.
This book is for anyone who has ever felt bad about themselves and wanted to quit.
As a youth who was once bullied and embattled with low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts, it is my hope that this work empowers and encourages young people who are experiencing the sadness, depression, and emotional turmoil that were once issues for me