Hollywood\'s a bitch.
It\'s been a pleasure to stalk you! @yuichisin.
He never admitted the depth of truth to his writing, but insisted it\'s based on real events.
Originally from Japan and now residing in Los Angeles, Mr.
Sin brings a unique view to life, death, and Hollywood culture.
About author(s): Yuichi Sin , an artist at heart, takes a stab at writing his first novel.
DON\'T Give Into FEAR...
If you run Into Jack, you might just survive, as long as you...
The secret ingredient? It\'s not love.
He drags her up the food chain, literally, exploiting the flaws of LA\'s entitled locals, creating his own rich cuisine from a cookbook of old movies, self-help baloney, imagination and failed dreams.
Why wouldn\'t she be interested? Jack\'s young and handsome, with a love of glitz and glamour she\'s willing to overlook for the sake of her career.
And zeros in on one special client...actress Rayna Rourke.
A killer agent.
So he becomes an agent instead.
Jack learns the hard way it takes talent, luck and perseverance.
Some just come to die.
People come to Tinseltown for many reasons--to act, write, make movies, make music.
Jack Cunningham, OTOH, prefers you carefully butchered, thoroughly de-boned, lightly seasoned, pan-fried or grilled, medium well-done, thank you very much.
She\'ll eat you alive.
Hollywood\'s a bitch