The Opium Wars of 1840-1860 were dark chapters of history.
It s.
Speculation makes it trillions more.
A trillion dollars goes through the Cayman Islands, the Isle of Man, Dubai. is completely updated: Soros - Afghanistan - the government and bankers behind the cartels.
Today the British-controlled DOPE trade finances the world\'s leading terrorist entities - Afghanistan\'s Taliban, the Chechen rebels, the FARC guerrillas of Colombia.
DOPE money supports the bankrupt World financial system.
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation was denied a license in New York State because it failed to refute the charges in Dope, Inc, when the state demanded accounting of its hidden profits, silent subsidiaries, and paraphernalia of money-laundering.
Now in 2010, Dope, INC. revealed the most deeply held secrets of the big names behind the world\'s illegal narcotics trade.
In Venezuela, the leading drug-running families who were exposed in the Spanish-language version, Narcotrafico, S.
A., used their political influence to have it banned and confiscated.
Financiers scrambled to control the damage of this unprecedented exposure.
A mammoth campaign of slander and government dirty tricks tried to bury the authors, because Dope, INC. drew the line between American patriots and the British apparatus destroying the USA.
The London and Wall Street bankers ran for cover.
It became America\'s underground best-seller.
Dope, INC. was published, in 1978.
Commissioned by Lyndon Larouche, it threatened the world\'s power structure.
More than 30 years have passed since the first edition of Dope, INC. cocaine, heroin, amphetamines.
Russia targeted by Dope, Inc.
Afghan opium
Colombian cartel; terrorism. decriminalization
Soros and IMF links to drugs.
Financial derivatives
Wall St., money laundering; medical marijuana.
Illicit drugs may now account for as much as $1 trillion annually in financing for criminal activity and corruption.
TOPICS: The East India Company
British role in the drug trade, from the wars on China, the HongShanghai Bank, Bronfmans, Prohibition, and Organized Crime in the U.
S. and Mexico are massively influenced by drugs and drug dealing.
One way America is being brought to heel is by the drug trade.
Crime and other social problems in the U.
The U.
S., like China, was too great for the London money lords to occupy by force.
The Opium Wars never really ended.
Britain went to war to force China to import thousands of tons of opium, to cripple and impoverish that nation.
The Opium Wars of 1840-1860 were dark chapters of history