This is the revised Edition of our consistent bestseller, the English-English-Hindi Dictionary edited by Dr Suresh Kumar and Dr Ramanath Sahai contains more than 52,000 entries, related phrases, idioms and more than 200 illustrations. *The user can also type i. *Each of the headwords and derivatives in the Dictionary has an audio for pronunciation guide which the user can listen to by clicking on an icon.
English-English-Hindi Dictionary companion DVD The print Dictionary also has a companion DVD with the following features: *A search option that can be used to search through the entire wordlist of the dictionary. *A list of suffixes and prefixes translated in Hindi and a list of all verbs with irregular forms have been added to the appendix for advanced learners of English. *A list of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) with their Hindi equivalents is given for help in pronunciation. *The Hindi translation is simple and reflects the current usage of the language. *Many words such as acomputera, asoftwarea, asmartphonea, and amultiplexa have been written out in Hindi to show that such words have now been included in the language. *Words like aacid testa, aaquaa, acall centrea, acorrespondence coursea, and amalwarea which do not have equivalent Hindi words have been explained by detailed definitions. *To make the Dictionary more user-friendly detailed definitions and one-word equivalents in Hindi have been included for words that needed to be explained further for example, abrain draina, aelectrocardiograma, ametal detectora and amicrosurgerya.
A few more Indian English words like anamaskara and anirvanaa have been added to our existing list of words. *The English base of the dictionary, taken from the Oxford Studentas Dictionary has been adapted for Indian readers. *Care has been taken to include common words like adwarf planeta, aremunerationa, areforestationa and atax evasiona which were not a part of the older wordlist of the dictionary. *Words like acitizen journalisma, ae-learninga, ahate crimea, alearning disabilitya, anewsworthya, aroad ragea, and many more have been taken from current usage of English.
The second Edition of the English-English-Hindi Dictionary has been updated with the following features: *1700 words have been added to the wordlist.
Like our other Bilingual Dictionaries, this has been specially compiled for learners of English, teachers, translators and general readers.
This is the revised Edition of our consistent bestseller, the English-English-Hindi Dictionary edited by Dr Suresh Kumar and Dr Ramanath Sahai contains more than 52,000 entries, related phrases, idioms and more than 200 illustrations