This comprehensive anthology draws together classic and Contemporary Readings by leading philosophers on epistemology.
Moore, Huemer, Reid, Plato, BonJour, Coady, Carroll, Fumerton, Edwards, Foster, Howson, Urbach, Stove, Empiricus, Oakley, Alston, Gettier, Clark, Goldman, Lehrer, Paxson, DeRose, Dretske, Klein and Chisholm.
Austin, Pollock, Nozick, Putnam, G.
Includes articles by: Russell, Hume, Berkeley, Malcolm, Quine, Carnap, J.
Each section begins with an introductory essay, guiding students into the topic.
Themes covered include, perception, memory, inductive inference, reason and the a priori, the architecture of knowledge, skepticism, the analysis of knowledge, testimony.
Ideal for any philosophy student, it will prove essential reading for epistemology courses, and is designed to complement Robert Audi's textbook Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge, 1998).
This comprehensive anthology draws together classic and Contemporary Readings by leading philosophers on epistemology