Market analysts and Financial media commentators have led individual investors to believe that daily news, quarterly earnings reports and corporate events drive stock prices.
It is the author\'s sincere hope that after applying the material presented in this Almanac, readers will begin to enjoy an increased level of success with their Trading and Investing activity..
Alternative measures of time are then discussed including the Gann Master Cycle (which starts anew in 2020), the Weston Model, the Shmitah Year, Price square Time, and Kabbalah sacred angles.
This Almanac then goes deeper to present the reader with critical Quantum Price Lines for various market indices and commodity futures for 2020.
These key dates have been determined Using the same analytical process that Gann and Mcwhirter would have used.
These dates align to astrological occurrences that have been shown time and again to have a high propensity to result in price trend changes on stocks, market indices and commodity futures.
This 2020 Almanac provides the reader with key astrological dates to watch for each month.
They repeatedly used their knowledge of Astrology to profitably trade the markets at key astrological occurrences.
Morgan and the mysterious Louise McWhirter recognized this connection.
Gann, J.
In the early years of the 20th century successful traders like W.
Is this connection firmly based in science? Or, are powerful money managers in Financial centers around the globe moving prices of equities and commodity futures in accordance with astrological aspects and patterns? Whatever the case may be, investors and traders alike ought to be aware of the connection between Astrology and the markets.
The connection between Astrology and the markets is not new.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The reality is - there is an overwhelming connection between the ever-changing configurations of orbiting Planets and other celestial bodies in our cosmos and the Financial markets.
Market analysts and Financial media commentators have led individual investors to believe that daily news, quarterly earnings reports and corporate events drive stock prices