What is the General Instruction of the Roman Missal? It is the handbook for how to celebrate the Mass.
Why not give it the proper attention it deserves?.
The Holy Mass is a profound mystery.
Catechists and School Teachers can help a planning session to teach about the Holy Mass.
Parents can utilize this resource to help their children better understand the Holy Mass.
For the laity, the General Instruction can help better engage you in the Mass.
Lay Ministers can read the appropriate sections of the General Instruction that pertains to your ministry.
Whenever a question arises such as: What are the guidelines of the Church?, the General Instruction of the Roman Missal can be referenced and quickly provide answers and insights.
Have a copy of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal available during liturgy planning meetings and reference it.
Here are some suggestions to help guide liturgical decisions.
Subjective decisions about the Holy Mass can occur within liturgy meetings and by good and well intentioned Catholics if the General Instruction of the Roman Missal is not referenced..
So let our words and actions, our prayers and music, our worship spaces and liturgical furnishings and art, be worthy of the profound mystery we celebrate.
It is the source and summit of our life as Catholic Christians.
This sums it up: Liturgy is a prayer like no other. no matter the language or cultural norms. . .
That\'s why you can walk into Mass anywhere in the world and recognize certain elements .
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal provides Instruction for how to celebrate the Mass throughout the world.
It covers such topics like the structure of the Mass, its elements and parts; postures, processions and gestures; silence and singing; liturgical furnishings; the role of the deacon, liturgical ministers, and laity, and much more.
While it\'s not the only resource, most questions about the Mass can be answered with the help of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal.
What is the General Instruction of the Roman Missal? It is the handbook for how to celebrate the Mass