Book and CD, containing 20 songs to teach grammar, spelling and punctuation.
Games and activities are also included in the 24 page book Track List:AdjectivesAdverbsCapital LettersComparatives and SuperlativesCompound wordsConjunctions ContractionsDictionaryHomophonesMagic NounsPast, Present and Future TensePluralsPrefixes and SuffixesPrepositionsPronounsPunctuationSpeech MarksThesaurus (Synonyms and Antonyms)Verbs Grammar Songs trailer.
Children can sing along using the lyrics provided and very quickly learn the songs, enabling them to recall numerous grammatical facts and rules.
The lyrics are fun and the tunes familiar and upbeat, making the songs catchy and memorable.
The book comes with an audio CD with 20 songs that are set to popular tunes and sung in British English.
Fun Grammar inspired games and activities also included.
Grammar Songs are a fun and interactive resource for teaching children the basic rules of grammar, spelling and punctuation that are covered in Grammar 1 and 2.
Fun lyrics set to upbeat familiar tunes.
Book and CD, containing 20 songs to teach grammar, spelling and punctuation