Tommy loves Christmas and still believes in Santa Claus, but the other kids in his second-grade class tease him.
During Christmastime, you can find him in downtown Troy, Ohio in the Santa House talking with children young and old..
Karnehm has also spent more than forty rewarding years working as a professional Santa Claus.
They love spending time with their grandkids and family and attending various activities and sporting events, as well as biking, hiking, and reading.
They enjoy traveling and learning new and interesting things.
And Grandpa has a very big, Santa-sized secret to share! About the Author Chuck Karnehm and his wife, Jane, are retired elementary teachers with over sixty years of teaching experience.
After coming home from school feeling very sad, Tommy\'s mother knows just who to call to help, Grandpa.
They say Santa is not real, but Tommy does not believe them.
Tommy loves Christmas and still believes in Santa Claus, but the other kids in his second-grade class tease him