Loree Griffin Burns is an award-winning writer who holds a PhD in biochemistry. www.ellenharasimowicz.com.
Ellen loves to travel and photograph far-off places.
She has made photographs for newspapers and schools, and she has illustrated five children\'s books, all with Loree Griffin Burns.
Ellen Harasimowicz has been a professional photographer since 2003.
She is the author of You\'re Invited to a Moth Ball , Life on Surtsey: Iceland\'s Upstart Island, Citizen Scientist: Be a Part of Scientific Discovery in Your Own Backyard , and Beetle Busters: A Rogue Insect and the People Who Track It .
Each of her books draws heavily on both her passion for nature and her experience as a working scientist.
Loree Griffin Burns is an award-winning writer who holds a PhD in biochemistry