Have you even thought About working with animals all day long? The purrs, licks and all the laughs it provides.
With all that being said- I wouldn\'t change a thing.️.
You get the jest.
Pad your schedule for an extra 30 minutes to converse with them, help hang paintings, drag in a mattress or assist in navigating the internet.
What About being constantly covered in animal hair, drool or dirt? And then there are clients who are home alone and you may be the only person they see all day.
Not to mention the amount of poop you will pick up in a day.
Are you nimble and able to scale fences or crawl thru dog doors when the key doesn\'t work? How queasy are you About being around vomit or diarrhea because it happens frequently.
However there are So many other components involved.
Sounds like a dream job come true right? Welcome to the world of petsitting.
Have you even thought About working with animals all day long? The purrs, licks and all the laughs it provides