As a pre-teen, David Keimig was diagnosed with Friedreich\'s Ataxia-a rare and devastating genetic disorder which would gradually take from him much that many take for granted.
All proceeds from this book will go to the Joy Amidst Friedreich\'s Foundation, Inc., which will donate those funds to other 501(c)(3) exempt organizations to be used exclusively for religious, charitable and literary purposes..
Keimig to share his story, is being published by the Joy Amidst Friedreich\'s Foundation, Inc., a charitable foundation.
This book, while written by David A.
Above all, David lives to be a witness for Jesus Christ as he navigates through continuing daily struggles.
Despite the difficulties David lives with, he finds ways to pursue his interests.
At the age of eleven, he was diagnosed with Friedreich\'s Ataxia-a rare genetic degenerative disorder.
Deo Gloria! Born and raised in Colorado, David Keimig resides with his parents in Bennett-a rural town east of Denver.
Come alongside David as he gives his best to living with joy Amidst Friedreich\'s Ataxia.
Whatever one\'s experiences, whatever one\'s religious beliefs (even if one has no specific religious beliefs...), David\'s testimony of living well despite profound difficulties will both challenge and inspire.
He invites readers to respond with joy in trials for the Glory of God.
Why would a loving God allow such a disorder as Friedreich\'s Ataxia? And why would God allow this condition to impact so profoundly a young boy? How could David bear the weight of this diagnosis? In his autobiographical book, David considers his experiences in the light of his faith.
David would lose some things before he experienced them as his own.
As a pre-teen, David Keimig was diagnosed with Friedreich\'s Ataxia-a rare and devastating genetic disorder which would gradually take from him much that many take for granted