Description For the first time since its original publication, Keith Giffen\'s Justice League Quarterly brings a quirky and unique take on the Justice League Introducing the Conglomerate, a new super-team assembled by Booster Gold Booster\'s new pals and gals are Maxi-Man, Praxis, Gypsy, Echo, Vapor and Reverb, but pretty soon Booster\'s got to wonder if their industry backers want them to be heroes...or Corporate puppets.
Collects stories from Justice Leag.
Description For the first time since its original publication, Keith Giffen\'s Justice League Quarterly brings a quirky and unique take on the Justice League Introducing the Conglomerate, a new super-team assembled by Booster Gold Booster\'s new pals and gals are Maxi-Man, Praxis, Gypsy, Echo, Vapor and Reverb, but pretty soon Booster\'s got to wonder if their industry backers want them to be heroes...or Corporate puppets