For too long, kindergarten architects have been seemingly preoccupied with the principles of durability, maximisation of space, and minimisation of cost.
From the contents: Kindergarten in Sighartstein, Austria (Kadawittfeldarchitektur) Els Colors Kindergarten in Barcelona, Spain (RCR Architectes) Taka Tuka Land in Berlin, Germany (Baupiloten) Bubbletecture M in Shiga, Japan (Shuhei Endo) Kindergarten in Ramat-Hasharon, Israel (Lev-Gargir Architect).
The chosen projects prove especially that collaboration between educationalists and designers can be uniquely fruitful for the planning and building of kindergartens.
However, the field has been experiencing a revolution and this volume showcases 60 of the most outstanding recent innovations worldwide.
This, however, also meant forgetting that these environments should promote fun, learning and creativity.
For too long, kindergarten architects have been seemingly preoccupied with the principles of durability, maximisation of space, and minimisation of cost