Nu credeam vreodata ca voi trai un asemenea sentiment.
An angel came in our life and since then things became clear and I understood how beautiful and short life is So it has to be intensely lived with dignity and no regrets Editie Bilingva.
AII I can say for sure is that I m living a special feeling that gives me strength desire for life and an undescriptible inner peace.
If my life changed or not I can t answer...
I am a grandfather And an extremely happy one.
Well it seems that now it s my turn Yes...
I heard X or V saying their lives have changed but in my mind I refused to believe such nonsenses.
Un inger a intrat in viata noastra si de atunci s-au limpezit lucrurile si am inteles cat de frumoasa si de scurta este viata Asa ca trebuie traita intens cu demnitate si fara regrete I wouldn t ever believe that I will live such a feeling.
Dar ce pot spune cu siguranta este faptul ca traiesc un sentiment deosebit ce imi da vigoare dorinta de viata si o liniste interioara de nedescris.
Daca mi s-a schimbat viata sau nu nu pot sa raspund... unul extrem de fericit. sunt bunic Si inca...
Se pare ca acum mi-a venit randul si mie.
Auzeam pe X sau pe V cum ca i s-ar fi schimbat viata dar in mintea mea refuzam sa cred astfel de aberatii.
Nu credeam vreodata ca voi trai un asemenea sentiment