In Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind , noted educators Arthur L.
Drawing upon their research and work over many years, in many countries, Costa and Kallick present a compelling rationale for using the Habits of Mind as a foundation for leading, teaching, learning, and living well in a complex world..
Along with other highly respected scholars and practitioners, the authors explain how the 16 Habits of Mind dovetail with up-to-date concepts of what constitutes intelligence; present instructional strategies for activating the Habits and creating a thought-full classroom environment; offer assessment and reporting strategies that incorporate the habits; and provide real-life examples of how communities, school districts, building administrators, and teachers can integrate the Habits into their school culture.
The Habits of Mind include * Persisting * Managing impulsivity * Listening with understanding and empathy * Thinking flexibly * Thinking about thinking (metacognition) * Striving for accuracy * Questioning and posing problems * Applying past knowledge to new situations * Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision * Gathering data through all senses * Creating, imagining, innovating * Responding with wonderment and awe * Taking responsible risks * Finding humor * Thinking interdependently * Remaining open to continuous Learning This volume brings together--in a revised and expanded format--concepts from the four books in Costa and Kallick\'s earlier work Habits of Mind: A Developmental Series .
The Habits are a repertoire of behaviors that help both students and teachers successfully navigate the various challenges and problems they encounter in the classroom and in everyday life.
Costa and Bena Kallick present a comprehensive guide to shaping schools around Habits of Mind.
In Learning and Leading with Habits of Mind , noted educators Arthur L