Time after time, we find our lives interrupted by a surprise flat tire or the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one.
Restore, rebuild and renew with vitalized aliveness! .
You will find yourself energized with the inherent overcoming spirit and your own individual and inner transformative power.
The Chapters in this book will show you how to progress, move beyond heartache, disappointment, blocks, grief, feelings of inadequacy, love lost, and betrayals.
We discover as a result of the unwelcomed interruptions and disappointments that we can transform and uncover a more satisfying inner direction and outer-fulfilled life.
We emerge as an attuned and powerful person giving our lives a new purposes, opportunities and fresh beginnings.
From the churned energy and emotion of disruptive experiences, we instinctively find a transformative Godly light, creative and reuniting with the highest and finest in ourselves.
Even in the midst of mistakes and difficulties, we rise like the mythical phoenix from the ashes, revitalized and forming anew.
Within this book, you will find compelling stories, insights, life-lifting practices and methods, ways of befriending ourselves anew and accepting who we and others really are.
We are on the way to creating a better life, born and forming because of the disruption we have encountered, faced and overcome.
New positive feelings stir inside us.
At such times, we have the choice of proving once more a human being can rise with divine-like strength and overcome the most challenging times and experiences.
These interruptions can startle and freeze us in our tracks.
Perhaps a door has closed before us, one we counted on passing through.
Time after time, we find our lives interrupted by a surprise flat tire or the sudden, unexpected death of a loved one