Pliantul contine: The Noun &ndash
Types of nouns, Countable vs.
Uncountable Nouns, Quantifiers
The Article &ndash
Definite and Indefinite Articles
The Possessive: &rsquo
S/ S’ and OF
The Adjective &ndash
Quality Adjectives, The Comparison of Regular Adjectives, Adjectives Expressing Nationality, Adjectives ending in &ndash
EN and &ndash
The Pronoun: The Demonstrative Pronoun and Adjective, The Personal Pronoun, Distributive Pronouns and Adjectives, Relative Pronouns and the Relative Clause.
Toate notiunile gramaticale contin definitie, forme, tipuri, cazuri si functii sintactice, gen si persoana, exemplificari etc.
.Pliantul contine: The Noun &ndash
Types of nouns, Countable vs