The Medical Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy We all know that Intimacy improves the quality of our lives.
Ornish outlines eight pathways to Intimacy and Healing that have made a profound difference in his life and in the life of millions of others in turning sadness into happiness, suffering into joy..
He shows how the very defenses that we think protect us from emotional pain are often the same ones that actually heighten our pain and threaten our survival.
Not diet, not smoking, not exercise, not stress, not genetics, not drugs, not surgery."He reveals that the real epidemic in modern culture is not only physical heart disease but also what he calls spiritual heart disease: loneliness, isolation, alienation, and depression.
D., writes, "I am not aware of any other factor in medicine that has a greater impact on our survival than the Healing Power of Love and intimacy.
In this New York Timesworld-renowned physician Dean Ornish, M.
Yet most people don\'t realize how much it can increase the quality of our lives -- our survival.
The Medical Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy We all know that Intimacy improves the quality of our lives