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Martha\'s Vineyard Fish Tales: How to Catch Fish, Rake Clams, and Jig Squid, with Entertaining Tales about the Sometimes Crazy Pursuit of Fish, Paperback/Nelson Sigelman - Stackpole Books

Martha\'s Vineyard Fish Tales: How to Catch Fish, Rake Clams, and Jig Squid, with Entertaining Tales about the Sometimes Crazy Pursuit of Fish, Paperback/Nelson Sigelman
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Description The focus is on Martha\'s Vineyard but the information, fishing tips, and stories about Island characters--Bob "Hawkeye" Jacobs jumping off Memorial Wharf to unsnag an albie he hooked--will sound familiar to anyone who has spent time in a community of fishermen.
He lives with his wife, Norma, in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts..
In 2012 he was inducted into the prestigious Martha\'s Vineyard Striped Bass and BlueFish Derby Hall of Fame.
about the Author Nelson Sigelman is an award-winning writer whose fishing and outdoor columns and stories have been honored by the Outdoor Writers Association of America, the New England Outdoor Writers Association and the New England Press Association. "handy phrases include any reference to a falling or rising tide and a rock, any rock, as long as you refer to it with a sense of authority so that the other person is unwilling to ask which rock for fear of seeming like a novice." Martha\'s Vineyard Fish Tales is a "how to" book that flows with the character and personality of a fishing-obsessed island off the coast of Massachusetts. . .
And there are tips on looking and talking the part .
This book follows the island fishing seasons: rods appear on island trucks in April, a sign that schoolies have arrived, and they do not begin to disappear until the venerable Bass and BlueFish Derby, five weeks of single-minded Pursuit of fish, ends in October.
Spin fishing, bottom fishing, and fly fishing are all covered.
This informative and fun read answers the questions asked in local tackle shops, including the best spots to Catch a striped bass on a fly rod--Lobsterville Beach--and rigging tackle for blues, fluke, black sea bass, false albacore, and bonito.
Description The focus is on Martha\'s Vineyard but the information, fishing tips, and stories about Island characters--Bob "Hawkeye" Jacobs jumping off Memorial Wharf to unsnag an albie he hooked--will sound familiar to anyone who has spent time in a community of fishermen

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