Description Celebrate the career of a true Marvel Visionary The Incredible Hulk, the devastating Dragon Man, the epic end of the Norse gods themselves...none of it was too much for Big John Buscema And the Avengers never looked mightier than when Buscema drew them Now, one of comicdom\'s most acclaimed creators takes center stage in this genre-spanning gathering of greats. the Avengers The hidden pasts of Wolv. the Silver Surfer The Avengers vs.
Hydra Thor vs.
Witness Nick Fury vs.
Description Celebrate the career of a true Marvel Visionary The Incredible Hulk, the devastating Dragon Man, the epic end of the Norse gods themselves...none of it was too much for Big John Buscema And the Avengers never looked mightier than when Buscema drew them Now, one of comicdom\'s most acclaimed creators takes center stage in this genre-spanning gathering of greats