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Midlife Magic, Paperback/Jo Ann Richards - Dragonhill Books

Midlife Magic, Paperback/Jo Ann Richards
52 Lei


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Midlife Magic takes you on the transformative journey of Jo Ann Richards \' life, from her typical suburban childhood, through six marriages involving abuse, divorce, and death, to her current marriage to a military intelligence officer incarcerated for a crime he didn\'t commit.
Today she is a warrior who proudly carries the title, Wise Woman-Crone..
Through her many struggles, she found her strengths, gifts, and inner power, and learned that dreams can, and do, come true.
Jo Ann had been an active member of the Mormon Church for nearly 30 years before leaving it behind to fully embrace the world of UFOs, elementals, Magic and the paranormal which had long spoken to her soul.
Midlife Magic takes you on the transformative journey of Jo Ann Richards \' life, from her typical suburban childhood, through six marriages involving abuse, divorce, and death, to her current marriage to a military intelligence officer incarcerated for a crime he didn\'t commit

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