It\'s one thing to know the Story of the Bible.
Features: Includes selections from the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV) 11.5-point type size.
As you journey through this Bible, whether in a group or on your own, one simple truth will Become undeniably clear: what you Believe drives everything.
Each chapter uses short topical passages from the New International Version (NIV) to help you live the Story of the Bible.
You Become Like Jesus.
If you remain in the vine of Christ, over time you will produce amazing and scrumptious fruit at the end of your branches for all to see and taste.
He is the vine; you are the branches.
Jesus compared the Christian life to a vine.
When you study the life of Jesus you will notice a distinct pattern: Jesus faithfully lived in a purposeful way.
God wants you to Become Like Jesus - it is the most truthful and powerful way to live - and the journey to becoming Like Jesus begins by thinking Like Jesus.
Every believer needs to ask these three questions: What do I believe? What should I do? Who am I becoming? What you Believe in your heart will define who you become.
Pastor Randy Frazee walks you through the ten key beliefs of the Christian faith, the ten key Practices of a Jesus-follower, and the ten key Virtues that characterize someone who is becoming more Like Jesus.
Grounded in carefully selected Scripture, Believe, NIV is a unique spiritual growth experience that takes you on a journey to think, act, and be more Like Jesus.
It\'s another thing to live it.
It\'s one thing to know the Story of the Bible