Las amigas Gansi y Gerti est n esperando y esperando a que Oli salga de su cascar n.
Bilingual babies and new language learners will love the gentle text and charming illustrations in this simple and sweet story, featuring Spanish and English Bilingual text set in two colors for easy readability..
Fans of Gossie and Gossie and Gertie will find Ollie just as charming and delightful as the rest of his farmyard friends, and any toddler that has had to wait for a new brother or sister will find Ollie irresistible.
Disponible en espa ol como un libro de cart n biling e Gossie and Gertie just can\'t wait for their new friend Ollie to come out of his shell, but though they try everything they can think of, he won\'t come out Ollie is Ollie, and only he will decide when it\'s time to hatch.
Intentan empujarlo, escucharlo y hasta sentarse arriba de su huevo, pero Oli simplemente no quiere salir.
Las amigas Gansi y Gerti est n esperando y esperando a que Oli salga de su cascar n