Multiculturalism and unmitigated immigration have weakened America quite possibly to the point of no return.
It has opened a Pandora\'s Box of evils that, according to Auster, can never be returned whence they came..
Once a society has denied the existence of right and wrong, it has abandoned its own history and denied its own legitimacy.
Auster explains in detail the shift from classical liberalism to modern liberalism, which corresponds to the shift from self-respect to self-esteem.
This book identifies the principal ideas and forces--racial, political, psychological, moral, and religious--that are destroying American civilization and shows how those forces have been institutionalized and internalized by the American people themselves, including conservatives.
The granting of aggressive race consciousness to minority groups and the denial of it to the majority are only one part of the problem.
Published posthumously, Our Borders explains how the Immigration Act of 1965 led to the erasing of white America and the nihilist culture we live in today.
In Our Borders, Ourselves , genius conservative essayist Lawrence Auster details the fraud foisted upon the American people in the name of diversity.
Eventually, we saw racial profiling in college admissions, politicians pitting groups of people against each other, and white becoming a bad word.
Illegal immigrants were welcomed by the millions.
Diversity became a deceptive catchword and a force hostile to cultural and natural distinctions.
But in the last half century or so, when uncontrolled immigration from the world over was pushed upon us, when balkanization was encouraged, America faltered.
This diversity within limits enriched America.
When immigration was measured, when assimilation was demanded, and when our Borders were controlled, America thrived.
The blending of diverse people overwhelmingly from Europe made the country an extension of the greatest of civilizations.
The melting pot was the essence of our beginning.
At its founding, immigration was integral in the formation of the United States of America.
Multiculturalism and unmitigated immigration have weakened America quite possibly to the point of no return