One of the most difficult tasks physician leaders regularly face is managing and mitigating unProfessional physician conduct complaints from patients, colleagues, nurses, and staff.
Physicians and Professional Behavior Management Strategies through a variety of Case examples, gives readers a Roadmap on how to recognize and manage chronic disruptive Behavior instead of looking the other way..
The Joint Commission, recognizing the need for hospitals and medical staffs to intervene, released a statement on how disruptive Behavior harmed patients and lead to medical errors.
He offers practical advice and guidance on managing disruptive behavior, description and analysis of personal traits and disorders of disruptive physicians, and strategies to reduce the incidence of these behaviors.
Matthew Mazurek\'s Leadership positions, he has had the opportunity to conduct dozens of investigations of unProfessional and disruptive conduct from the mundane to the serious.
Through Dr.
There are professional, personal, and legal pitfalls, and everyone engaged in the process is uncomfortable.
Physician leaders often lack formal training on how to manage Physicians engaged in unProfessional behavior.
Case examples include: Sexual Harassment Physical Aggression Substance Abuse How to Have Difficult Conversations and Conduct Meetings with Proactive Follow Up Complementing the Case discussions are strategies to reduce and mitigate disruptive behavior.
Physicians and Professional Behavior Management Strategies aims to assuage those concerns and instill confidence by providing practical advice and guidance on managing disruptive Behavior with real-world Case examples and in-depth discussion on the process.
Newly appointed physician leaders, especially, are nervous and uncomfortable confronting these issues with their colleagues.
Navigating the process well is usually a trial-by-fire exercise for most.
One of the most difficult tasks physician leaders regularly face is managing and mitigating unProfessional physician conduct complaints from patients, colleagues, nurses, and staff