Placa Izolatoare pentru orice produs electronic cum ar fi: cd player, pick up, streamer, amplificator, puetere, DAC, boxe, samdProdus pentru eliminarea vibratiilor si microvibratiilor, eliminare ce duce la o performanta mai buna, un sunet mai clar, un bas mai bine controlat, voci mai naturale, dinamica mai buna.
S und M bis 55 kg L und XL bis 70 kg.
Horizontal vibrations will be produced by the loud speakers and hit your components from the side.
Structure of the standard feet The layer from top to down- Massive aluminum corpus as separation layer- 1mm granulate of cork and natural rubber- Sorbothane - Natural rubber- Aluminum inlay for horizontal stabilisation Click to the foto show detailsThe complex structure of the PRO feetThe layer from top to down- Massive aluminum corpus as separation layer- 1mm granulate of cork and natural rubber- Sorbothane - Natural rubber- Disc of aluminum as separation layer andfor horizontal stabilsation - 2mm granulate of cork and natural rubberClick to the foto show detailsBaseOne data sheet- 30 mm high quality multiplex wood- 3 MLA Absorber feet; high adjustable Size L and XL has 4 MLA absorber feet- Dimension:Height 53 mm; with PRO feet 57 mmS250 x 300 mm (WxD)M 440 x 350 mm (WxD)L500 x 400 mm (WxD)XL560 x 460 mm (WxD)- Weight:S: 1,8 kg M: 3,2 kgL: 4,6 kgXL: 5,1 kg- Loadable M max.
Because of the closely alignment to the absorber material we reduce horizontal vibrations and improve so the total effect audible.
The PRO feet using an additional layer of aluminum on the lower side.
The sound is more detailled, structured and natural.
PRO-fessional feet:The BaseTwo could be ordered optionally with the complex PRO feet(see foto below).
Improved cumulative effect compared to single materials.
Concurenta din piata vand produse antivibratie la preturi mult mai mari si au rezultate mai slabe pentru sistemul audioBaseOneOur basic model BaseOne based on 30mm Multiplex plate of birch tree.
The absorption effect of the wood plate will be supplemented by complex absorber feet, which are adjustable in height.
For the feet we use our approved MLA Absorber Technology with Sorbothane, cork and natural rubber.
Our MLA-Technology:Multi Layer: Some selective balanced Layers (Multi Layer) of different absorber materials:Sorbothane, cork, natural rubber etc.
Separated with an non-absorption Metal Layer.
Adjustment: Optimal adjustment to the weight of the Highend unit by different variants (Adjustment)The Effectiveness Each Absorber Layer provides filtering of different frequency ranges.
Rezultatul optim este dat de alegerea corecta a produselor anitvibratie, bFly Audio practic a descoperit combinatia ideala de materiale, astfel incat toate produsele sale ofera calitate excelnta la cel mai bun pret. bFly Audio este producator german care dupa 10 ani de teste au ajuns la concluzia ca pentru a reduce vibratiile in toata gama de frecvente este necesar ca produsul folosit sa fie compus din mai multe materiale cum ar fi: sorbothanul, aluminiu, otel, pluta, lemnul si alte astfel de materiale.
Placa Izolatoare pentru orice produs electronic cum ar fi: cd player, pick up, streamer, amplificator, puetere, DAC, boxe, samdProdus pentru eliminarea vibratiilor si microvibratiilor, eliminare ce duce la o performanta mai buna, un sunet mai clar, un bas mai bine controlat, voci mai naturale, dinamica mai buna