Informatii importante legate de vibratii, microvibratii cat si de necesitatea utilizarii unor astfel de produse dedicate (rack audio-video, stand boxe, platforme antivibratii, spike, spike shoes, etc) gasiti in PDF atasat!Produs Antivibratie/Spike destinat produselor electronice, fie ele amplificatoare, preamplificatoare, cat si surse gen cd player, streamer, DAC, etcProdus pentru eliminarea vibratiilor si microvibratiilor, eliminare ce duce la o performanta mai buna, un sunet mai clar, un bas mai bine controlat, voci mai naturale, dinamica mai buna.
So the Pure-Tube absorbers consists of 2 different types.- 2 absorber with more soft damping for the light side of the device results in an much better damping factor in this critical area.- 2 absorber with more hard damping placed on the heavy side..
These parts are major on the easier side of the amplifier.
PURE upper side The complex structure od the PURE seriesfrom top to down - granulate of cork with natural rubber - corpus of aluminium as delimiter- granulate of cork with natural rubber (thin)- Sorbothane with parallel air cell- speciality rubber - cap of aluminium as delimiter- special gel padPure-Tube for tube amplifierOur Pure-Tube absorber are designed for the construction related one-sided distribution of the weight.
The transformers of Tube Amplifiers produce by nature mechanical vibrations and so disturb the flow of signals within the internal boards, cables, electronic components and especially the sensitive tubes.
So we achieve as much as possible broadband filtering of vibrations.
Very important for this result is the material Sorbothane with the attributes of liquid.
The height has no effect to the sound improvement.
PURE bottom sideThe complex structure of the PURE with 6 different materials are according our MLA Technology arranged on 7 layers.
Precisely in the case of turntables and CD players, with mechanical parts, we obtain more quite and stabil sound image.
For optimum adjustment to the weight of the device we offer different variantsin 3 different height.
Possible applications:With the cork side under the feet of the devicedirectly under the base plate; for this usage we offer some variants in higher designfurthermore as screwable version available M4/M6/M8.
Available in aluminium polished and black Our new PURE absorber has a very narrow encapsulation of the single absorber layers.
The physical effect is a improved horizontal stabilisation in case of ambience.
Lateral vibrations, mostly caused from the loadspeakers, will be elimiated better.
The sonic result of the PURE is more details and plasticity with usual natural sound. 55 kg The PURE series for HiFi components and loadspeakers As Pure-Tube especially for Tube amplifier With the PURE absorber we have improved our MLA technology (Multi Layer Adjustment) significant.
To increase the broadband absorber effect the PURE implements now a gel pad on the underside.
The duration of the gel pad is adjusted to the other absorber layers and complements the layer model of the MASTER serie.
Furthermore the PURE has an additional air cell between the two aluminium layers and parallel to the Sorbothane.
So we provide our MLA Technologie additionally on a pneumatic way. 35 kgPURE-Tube-2 max.
Concurenta din piata vand produse Antivibratie la preturi mult mai mari si au rezultate mai slabe pentru sistemul audioRecommended for Tube amplifierAbsorber set with 4 piecesDiameter 44 mmHeight:17, 24 or 31 mmDelivery contents: 4 absorber in a suitcasePURE-Tube-1 max.
Rezultatul optim este dat de alegerea corecta a produselor anitvibratie, bFly Audio practic a descoperit combinatia ideala de materiale, astfel incat toate produsele sale ofera calitate excelnta la cel mai bun pret. bFly Audio este producator german care dupa 10 ani de teste au ajuns la concluzia ca pentru a reduce vibratiile in toata gama de frecvente este necesar ca produsul folosit sa fie compus din mai multe materiale cum ar fi: sorbothanul, aluminiu, otel, pluta, lemnul si alte astfel de materiale.
Informatii importante legate de vibratii, microvibratii cat si de necesitatea utilizarii unor astfel de produse dedicate (rack audio-video, stand boxe, platforme antivibratii, spike, spike shoes, etc) gasiti in PDF atasat!Produs Antivibratie/Spike destinat produselor electronice, fie ele amplificatoare, preamplificatoare, cat si surse gen cd player, streamer, DAC, etcProdus pentru eliminarea vibratiilor si microvibratiilor, eliminare ce duce la o performanta mai buna, un sunet mai clar, un bas mai bine controlat, voci mai naturale, dinamica mai buna