When the inevitability of death becomes a reality, it is typically accompanied by a gripping uncertainty as to which pain is worse --- the grief and sadness over what is happening to our loved one, or the heartfelt ache when we realize what now can never happen.
Enjoy! Linda Ward President & CEO Gulfside Hospice & Pasco Palliative Care Phone: 800-561-4883
Referral: 800-817-9941 www.ghppc.org.
Before death denies us that time, the insights in Tom\'s book will enable us to celebrate the endless blessings of faith, hope, and love with our families.
Each day we have opportunities to enjoy the fullness of life with those whom we love.
As a result of those deeply intimate end-of-life conversations, Reflections of a Hospice Chaplain presents a beautiful collection of life lessons intended to enrich our lives and relationships.
As a Chaplain who has experienced the death journeys of young and old, Tom Mcqueen has comforted our patients as well as their parents, spouses, family, caregivers, and friends.
When the inevitability of death becomes a reality, it is typically accompanied by a gripping uncertainty as to which pain is worse --- the grief and sadness over what is happening to our loved one, or the heartfelt ache when we realize what now can never happen