Horror and sci-fi film achivist Bob Burns called Robot Monster Diaries "the BIBLE for reading anything on the film." This book exploring the 1953 sci-fi classic, Robot Monster, featuring exclusive interviews with original cast members Claudia Barrett, Gregory Moffett and Pamela Paulson (her very first ) Also, exclusive content from Trustin Howard, Steve de Souza, Mark Viniello, Bob Furmanek, Dave Nichols, Chuck Cirino, Eric Kurland, Dr.
Kiss, Jack Theakston, Wade Williams, Greg Kint.
Robert J.
Horror and sci-fi film achivist Bob Burns called Robot Monster Diaries "the BIBLE for reading anything on the film." This book exploring the 1953 sci-fi classic, Robot Monster, featuring exclusive interviews with original cast members Claudia Barrett, Gregory Moffett and Pamela Paulson (her very first ) Also, exclusive content from Trustin Howard, Steve de Souza, Mark Viniello, Bob Furmanek, Dave Nichols, Chuck Cirino, Eric Kurland, Dr