This book will help you make yourself understood readily whether in everyday situations or in emergencies when travelling and communicating with foreigners, even if you are a complete beginner in the language.
Ghidul este usor de folosit, cuprinzand si transcrierea fonetica, astfel ca orice strain se va putea exprima fluent in limba romana.
Ghidul cuprinde:320 pagini2 600 propozitii si fraze uzuale1 600 cuvinte tematice6 000 cuvinte-titlu in dictionarTranscriere foneticaRecomandari si avertismente.
Se pune accent pe comunicarea activa si practica.
Emphasis is on practical, active communication, clear arrangement and ease of reference.
Acest ghid de conversatie ii va ajuta pe straini sa comunice cu localnicii si sa se faca intelesi in orice situatie.
This book will help you make yourself understood readily whether in everyday situations or in emergencies when travelling and communicating with foreigners, even if you are a complete beginner in the language