The second installment of the Black Winter series by Darcy Coates The ravenous hollow ones are at the gates...
But even with Dorran at her side, can she truly hope to face the winter stillness...and make it to her desperate sister before it\'s too late? Black Winter Series: Voices in the Snow (Book 1) Secrets in the Dark (Book 2) Whispers in the Mist (Book 3) Silence in the Shadows (Book 4).
She knows she can\'t survive the trip by herself.
The land between them is infested with monsters, and the roads are a maze of dead ends.
Hundreds of kilometers separate Clare from her sister.
Somewhere far away, Beth is alive, but she\'s trapped, and her oxygen is running out.
Clare and Dorran scramble to secure the ancient building in an effort to protect themselves from the ravenous hollow ones, but that isn\'t their only concern.
No One Escapes the Stillness Winterbourne Hall is not safe.
The second installment of the Black Winter series by Darcy Coates The ravenous hollow ones are at the gates..