In She Walks in Beauty , Caroline Kennedy has once again marshaled the gifts of our greatest poets to pay a very personal tribute to the human experience, this time to the complex and fascinating subject of womanhood.
Whether it\'s falling in love, breaking up, friendship, marriage, motherhood, or growing old, She Walks in Beauty is a priceless resource for anyone, male or female, who wants a deeper understanding and appreciation of what it means to be a woman..
Merwin, Dorothy Parker, Queen Elizabeth I, Lucille Clifton, Naomi Shahib Nye, and W.
Auden, Adrienne Rich, Sandra Cisneros, Anne Sexton, W.
Vincent Millay, Mary Oliver, Pablo Neruda, W.
The collection includes works by Elizabeth Bishop, Sharon Olds, Edna St.
Kennedy has divided the collection into sections that signify to her the most notable milestones, passages, and universal experiences in a woman\'s life, and she begins each of these sections with an introduction in which she explores and celebrates the most important elements of life\'s journey.
Inspired by her own reflections on more than fifty years of life as a young girl, a woman, a wife, and a mother, She Walks in Beauty draws on poetry\'s eloquent wisdom to ponder the many joys and challenges of being a woman.
In She Walks in Beauty , Caroline Kennedy has once again marshaled the gifts of our greatest poets to pay a very personal tribute to the human experience, this time to the complex and fascinating subject of womanhood