Get the book that slices through the false dilemma of Vatican II.
Robert Bellarmine, will only s.
Operating under the patronage of the great Jesuit, St.
Its national and regional conferences and published materials represent some of the finest Catholic thought in the last 30 years.
Get the book right now and start being part of the Church\'s path out of this mess - by Slaying the Spirit of Vatican II About the Author: The Bellarmine Forum, formerly known as the Wanderer Forum Foundation, was founded in 1965 to promote and defend true Catholic teachings and educate Catholics in their Faith.
Acting like Vatican II is going to disappear isn\'t solving the problems today.
Hardly a day goes by without something else bad happening that is blamed on Vatican II.
Don\'t let another opportunity to move the Church forward pass you by...
If the only thing you got from Slaying the Spirit of Vatican II was the "Fast Facts about Vatican II" reference sheet that will give you instant recall to these things, it\'d be worth it.
If the only thing you got from Slaying the Spirit of Vatican II was Bishop Paprocki\'s vision of how true reform will work, with Vatican II, it\'d be worth it.
Aroujo\'s explanation of the documents and his reasoning -- including a section that explains that Religious Liberty is not a libertine license to individuals, it\'d be worth it.
Aroujo S.
J., Charlie Rice, Frank Moriss, and many more If the only thing you got from Slaying the Spirit of Vatican II was Fr.
Excellent authors, including Bishop Paprocki, Fr.
This book is organized in a series of 30 essays that cover all manner of Vatican II issues.
And with more than fifty years of expertise in dealing with it, we\'ve put the best into this book.
We are here precisely to help ordinary Catholics combat the errors and confusion introduced to the Church in the wake of Vatican II.
The Bellarmine Forum was founded for this very purpose over 50 years ago.
We\'ve assembled the best thinking on the Council today and put that wisdom and knowledge in a concise book ready for you to arm yourself with reality.
Anyone can go read the Vatican II documents, but that\'s only getting you so far.
That\'s OK -- we\'re Catholic, and guilt trips should motivate us to change our ways and get with the program laid out by Mother Church.
In other words, imagine being able to plot a path back to worshipping God with fidelity to tradition and beauty of the Roman Catholic faith You might even have a small guilt trip once you realize that merely wishing Vatican II away has given a foothold to further modernist progression in the Church.
Imagine being able to describe a path of reform, based on Vatican II, that does not admit the felt banners, folk hymns, guitar Masses, false ecumenism, and hand wringing for relevance.
Imagine being able to use Vatican II itself to explain why they are wrong.
This has been the problem of the past 50 years, and it\'s getting us nowhere.
This makes a false dilemma -- on one side, people who think the confusion is irreversible, and on the other, people who think the Church should wipe out all of Vatican II.
Meanwhile, the Spirit of Vatican II marches on and claims more and more.
What most people do is throw their hands up and wish for a day in the future where Vatican II will be erased.
This book\'s purpose is to end confusion over what the Second Vatican Council actually did.
In some quarters, they are even claiming that the error and confusion wrought in the "Spirit of Vatican II" is irreversible.
Today, these progressive elements surge our Church with calls for further reform, further accommodations to libertine error, and attempting again to erase traditions of the Roman Catholic faith.
When called out on the activities, the catchphrase "in the Spirit of Vatican II" was used to cloak the fraud.
In the name of Vatican II, ordinary Catholics were shafted with felt banners, whitewashed sanctuaries, wreckovations, and destruction of traditional devotions and practice.
When the Second Vatican Council completed, the progressives and modernists rapidly hijacked the implementation.
Get the book that slices through the false dilemma of Vatican II