Covers the most powerful features of Photoshop in an easy-to-understand fashion.
Includes tips on printing to desktop printers, preparing images for four-color or spot-color offset printing, and saving optimized images for the Web..
Output for Print & Web. 13.
Includes tips on how to create paths and edit on-the-fly using the Pen tool.
Covers vector paths, shapes, strokes and type.
Photoshop\'s Vector Capabilities. 12.
Includes compositing tips on placing an image into a background with a different white balance or exposure.
Covers manual masking techniques and Select and Mask to extract images that contain hair.
Extracting Images: A Hairy Proposition. 11.
Also demonstrates how to merge multiple photos into a seamless panorama with Photomerge and how to create a high dynamic range photo using Merge to HDR Pro.
Explains the powerful features of Camera Raw for adjusting white balance, correcting exposure and more.
Camera Raw, Photomerge and HDR. 10.
Also covers Content Aware Fill, Content Aware Scale and Content Aware Move.
Explains how to distort images using Liquify and Puppet Warp.
Distort, Warp and Content Aware. 9.
Covers the advantages of using Smart Objects and explores the unlimited possibilities of using Photoshop filters, including Vanishing Point.
Smart Objects, Filters and Vanishing Point. 8.
Covers layer blending modes, opacity, fill, layer effects, layer masks, clipping masks, and alignment and distribution.
Layers and Layer Effects. 7.
Covers gradient backgrounds, specialized brush tips, cloning, healing, removing red eye and brightening teeth.
Retouching. 6.
Explains what to look for when color correcting images and what methods to use to improve color.
Color Balancing Act. 5.
Explains the mechanics of histograms, how the various luminosity commands work and why they improve detail in an image.
Levels, Curves, Shadows/Highlights. 4.
Provides a comprehensive look at the various methods of selecting part of an image for further editing.
Creating Selections. 3.
Addresses the differences between image size and canvas size and explains the importance of resolution to image quality.
Resizing, Cropping and Transforming. 2.
Introduces the Adobe workspace, its tools and panels.
An Overview of Bridge & Photoshop.
Chapter topics include: 1.
Covers the most powerful features of Photoshop in an easy-to-understand fashion