Ten years ago, Calamity came.
And he wants revenge..
He\'s seen Steelheart bleed.
Not an object, but an experience.
For years, like the Reckoners, David\'s been studying, and planning - and he has something they need.
The Epic who killed David\'s father.
He wants Steelheart - the Epic who is said to be invincible.
And David wants in.
A shadowy group of ordinary humans, they spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then assassinating them. nobody but the Reckoners.
Nobody fights the Epics...
And to rule man you must crush his wills.
With incredible gifts came the desire to rule.
But Epics are no friend of man.
The awed public started calling them Epics.
It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers.
Ten years ago, Calamity came