Important disclaimer: This book is not for everyone--just those who want to have more fun, more adventures, and more magic in their life.
But more importantly, this 30-Day Experiment will upgrade your life experience from ho-hum to wahoo From like sucks to life rocks From woe is me to yippie-ti-yi-yay.
Your credit union might offer a butter dish or a koozie, but an investment in this book comes with your own personal sign from the universe, an answer to an important question, a customized totem, and a one-of-a-kind gift from the natural world.
It shows readers how to Grow and expand their creative capital, their social capital, their spiritual capital, and much, much more There\'s even an abundance worksheet that tracks your thank-and-Grow rich portfolio and a money-back guarantee offering four personalized gifts straight from the always-accommodating universe.
This book also offers an updated perspective on abundance, which goes way beyond financial capital.
Brazen gratitude, it seems, provides a portal--an entry point--straight into the heart of the field of infinite possibilities described in Grout\'s bestseller E-Squared.
Thanking (rather than thinking) puts us on an energetic frequency--a vibration--that calls in miracles.
Science has proven that when we observe the world from a place of gratitude, when we use our attention to spot beauty and gaze at wonder, we develop the capacity to radically rev up our day-to-day experience.
Author Pam Grout, who likes to call herself the Warren Buffet of Happiness, says it all starts with getting on the frequency of joy and gratitude.
Thank & Grow Rich is for anyone interested in hooking up with the magnanimous energy field of the cosmos.
Important disclaimer: This book is not for everyone--just those who want to have more fun, more adventures, and more magic in their life