In Sanctuary, a new age of terror is unleashed...
With over 500 pieces of concept art from Diablo Immortal , Diablo II: Resurrected , and Diablo IV , this incomparable Volume showcases the next collection of choice artwork developed to frighten and delight horror fans everywhere..
Join the artists from each Diablo(R) title in conversation as they discuss the crafting of the games\' stunning key art, uncanny creatures, and masterfully executed effects and environments that give the universe its iconic aesthetic.
With the success of the first three acclaimed Diablo dungeon-crawlers under their belt, artists had to innovate horror in unexpected ways for these next installments, from twisted monster ecologies to stomach-churning special effects, environments that looked real, yet hummed with ancient evil.
Blizzard Entertainment\'s Diablo(R) franchise was growing with a monstrous new slate: Diablo II: Resurrected, Diablo: Immortal , as well as the blood-chilling Diablo IV.
In Sanctuary, a new age of terror is unleashed..