We all make decisions, big and small, every single day.
Isn\'t it time to take a stand and choose to Live With More joy, peace, and fulfillment?.
Our deliberate, thoughtful actions are the antidote to fear and resistance and the More intention we bring to the choices we make, the More power we have over the results we create.
She reminds us that whatever challenges we face, we all have the inner authority to choose our responses.
Ziev offers a straightforward and inspiring guide to help us identify our triggers, relEase conflicting intentions, and discover our purpose.
It\'s the key to a rewarding life and career.
Living With true intention and vision puts us in charge of our lives, one Choice at a time.
With humor and grace, she shows us how to embrace personal responsibility, empower ourselves to take ownership of our thoughts and actions, and let go of negative beliefs that weigh us down.
But how often do we operate on auto-pilot, feel we have to or should do something, or tell ourselves we don\'t have a choice? Why do we limit ourselves and relinquish our power to something or someone else? In this revolutionary book, expert coach Stef Ziev explores the reasons we hold ourselves back and resist giving ourselves permission to make choices.
We all make decisions, big and small, every single day