The first explosive thriller featuring Peter Ash, a veteran who finds that the demons of war aren\'t easily left behind...
As Ash begins to investigate this unexpected discovery, he finds himself at the center of a plot that is far larger than he could have imagined...and it may lead straight back to the world he thought he\'d left for good..
Under her dilapidated porch, he finds more than he bargained for: the largest, ugliest, meanest dog he\'s ever encountered...and a Samsonite suitcase stuffed with cash and explosives.
But when a friend from the Marines commits suicide, Ash returns to civilization to help the man\'s widow with some home repairs. "Lots of characters get compared to my own Jack Reacher, but Petrie\'s Peter Ash is the real deal."--Lee Child Peter Ash came home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with only one souvenir: what he calls his "white static," the buzzing claustrophobia due to post-traumatic stress that has driven him to spend a year roaming in nature, sleeping under the stars.
The first explosive thriller featuring Peter Ash, a veteran who finds that the demons of war aren\'t easily left behind..