The Forgiving Life offers scientifically supported guidance to help people forgive those in their lives who have acted unfairly and have inflicted emotional hurt.
Guided by thought- provoking questions, journaling exercises, and Enright\'s kind encouragement, readers can chart their own journey through a new life of forgiveness..
Enright invites readers to learn the benefits of forgiveness and to embark on a path of forgiveness, leaving behind a Legacy of love.
In this book, noted forgiveness expert Robert D.
Rather, it describes a process, followed with success by people around the world, to confront the pain, rise above it to forgive, and in so doing, to loosen the grip of depression, anger, and Resentment that has soured life.
It does not require reconciliation with the one who inflicted the hurt.
It does not minimize the devastation of that hurt.
The Forgiving Life offers scientifically supported guidance to help people forgive those in their lives who have acted unfairly and have inflicted emotional hurt