Replete with romance, political intrigue, and history, The Furious Pharisee follows the development of Saul from a young student of the Torah and the Jewish religion to a vehement opposer of the disciples of Jesus.
Readers will anxiously await the next installment of this riveting historical fiction..
Humbled by the very One he is persecuting, Saul\'s life will be forever changed.
At the end of the novel, as Saul makes his way to Damascus, he is confronted with a blinding light and a voice from heaven that shakes him to his core.
When the disciple Stephen claims that Jesus is God, Saul gives his full approval to the violent execution of the peaceful man.
A passionate defender of the Mosaic Law, the Pharisee Saul becomes increasingly incensed at the influence of these followers of the Way, and he is determined to remove their voice from the public square.
A year after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples are preaching the gospel and attracting the attention of the Jewish people, from the poor to the religious elite.
Through vivid detail and compelling dialogue, he brings these characters and the events of the Apostolic Age to life for his readers.
Al Dublanko draws on historical fact while creating well developed personas of characters only hinted at in the biblical account of the early church in the book of Acts.
Replete with romance, political intrigue, and history, The Furious Pharisee follows the development of Saul from a young student of the Torah and the Jewish religion to a vehement opposer of the disciples of Jesus