HANDS, MOJOS, CONJURE BAGS, JACKS, JACKBALLS, CHARM BAGS, PAQUETS, Medicine BAGS, ROOT Bags and Gris-Gris are terms used to describe a family of powerful objects which have been treated with much mystery, fear, reverence and confusion over time.
Within these pages you\'ll find the astounding recipes used by Marie Laveau, Black Her.
This book unveils the truth of their history and provides you with the means to create hoodoo\'s most enduring charm using the greatest magical techniques ever known.
HANDS, MOJOS, CONJURE BAGS, JACKS, JACKBALLS, CHARM BAGS, PAQUETS, Medicine BAGS, ROOT Bags and Gris-Gris are terms used to describe a family of powerful objects which have been treated with much mystery, fear, reverence and confusion over time