What is this frequency in which we are suspended? It\'s as if there\'s a plant medicine without the plant.
Now, using her channeled Intuitive Rebirth energy work method, Rhiannon is empowering healers to step into their power as authentic, transformational energy workers..
For the past ten years, Rhiannon has been working and lecturing as an Intuitive body-worker, psychic channel, remedial massage therapist, teaching yoga, meditation, and breathwork, and facilitating yoga teacher trainings internationally.
She dedicates her life to her soul\'s work, and at every stage of her journey, there has been a desire to initiate as many gifted lightworkers as possible into their roles on Earth at this time.
About the Author Rhiannon is an Intuitive channel, a #1 bestselling author, and an energy worker.
By the end, you will possess the codes for complete mastery of your life.
Finally, in Part Three, you\'ll discover the upgrades available to you right now.
In Part Two, Rhiannon will guide you through the process of integrating the lessons from Part One.
Over 15 lessons, the channeled medicine frequency of Awen will guide you to reveal and activate more of your profound potential, your orgasmic pleasure, and your primal joy.
This journey is a shamanic rewiring-one of repatterning, forgetting, remembering, and returning home to your absolute soul truth.
In this book, The Intuitive Rebirth, you\'ll discover what this ancient energy is, where it\'s coming from, and what it means for anyone ready to embark on their own Intuitive Rebirth journey today.
In the latest book by Rhiannon Heins, one of Australia\'s most sought-after energy healers and teachers, she reveals an ancient energetic frequency that is rising and returning-a frequency that can be tapped into intuitively, without complicated processes or hours-long plant medicine journeys.
It\'s like the medicine frequency of a rising and remembering humanity. and all we need to do is show up and surrender.
It\'s as if there\'s a current of medicine holding us and coordinating every single moment...
What is this frequency in which we are suspended? It\'s as if there\'s a plant medicine without the plant