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The Key Man: The True Story of How the Global Elite Was Duped by a Capitalist Fairy Tale - Simon Clark - Simon Clark

The Key Man: The True Story of How the Global Elite Was Duped by a Capitalist Fairy Tale - Simon Clark
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LONGLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES & MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEARIn this compelling Story of lies, greed and tarnished idealism, two Wall Street Journal reporters investigate a man who Bill Gates, Western governments, and other investors entrusted with billions of dollars to make profits and end poverty, but who now stands accused of masterminding one of the biggest, most brazen financial frauds ever.
LONGLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES & MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEARONE OF THE ECONOMIST\'S BEST BOOKS OF 2021In this compelling Story of lies, greed and tarnished idealism, two Wall Street Journal reporters investigate a man who Bill Gates, Western governments, and other investors entrusted with billions of dollars to make profits and end poverty, b.
Clark and Louch shine a light on efforts to clean up Global capital flows even as opaque private equity firms amass trillions of dollars and offshore tax havens cast a veil of secrecy which prevents regulators, investors and citizens from understanding what\'s really going on in the finance industry.
Populated by a cast of larger-than-life characters and moving across Asia, Africa, Europe and America, The Key Man is the Story of how the Global Elite was Duped by a Capitalist fairytale.
In April 2019--months after their expos� broke--Naqvi was arrested on charges of fraud and racketeering, and faces up to 291 years in jail.
Digging into the claims, Clark and Louch uncovered hundreds of documents and exposed the wrongdoing.
As Pope Francis blessed a move to harness capitalism for the good of the poor, Naqvi won the support of Obama\'s administration and investors, who compared him to Tom Cruise in Mission: Impossible.
In 2018, Simon Clark and Will Louch were contacted by an anonymous whistleblower who said Naqvi had swindled investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars and offered bribes to sustain his billionaire lifestyle.
Bill Gates helped him start a $1 billion fund to improve healthcare in poor countries and the UN and Interpol appointed him to boards.
He persuaded politicians he could help stabilize the Middle East after 9/11 by providing jobs and guided executives to opportunities in cities they struggled to find on the map.
The founder of Abraaj, a Dubai-based private-equity firm, Naqvi was the Key Man to the Global Elite searching for impact investments to make money and do good.
Arif Naqvi was charismatic, inspiring, and self-made--all the qualities of a successful business leader.
LONGLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES & MCKINSEY BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEARIn this compelling Story of lies, greed and tarnished idealism, two Wall Street Journal reporters investigate a man who Bill Gates, Western governments, and other investors entrusted with billions of dollars to make profits and end poverty, but who now stands accused of masterminding one of the biggest, most brazen financial frauds ever

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